The PPE course page on the University website has an overview of the course structure, including a typical weekly timetable. This document provides descriptions for papers available to current students:
- Course descriptions for all PPE papers [pdf]
The student handbooks provide more detail about the course:
- Handbook for students entering Year 1 in 2023 [pdf] [word]
- Handbook for students entering Year 2 in 2023 [pdf] [word]
- Handbook for students entering Year 2 in 2022 (applies over Years 2 and 3) [pdf] [word]
For students taking PPE with a Foundation Year, see the Foundation Year in PPE course page. The student handbook provides more detail:
- Handbook for students entering Year 0 in 2023 [pdf]
The content and format of the course may change: see the potential course changes page on the University website.